The Ecological Gifts Program, administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada, provides a tax benefit to private landowners in Canada who donate land or an interest in land (as an the case of an easement) in perpetuity and according to the terms of the Income Tax Act of Canada and the Taxation Act of Quebec. […]
September 20, 2017L’initiative Proyecto de Educación para la Conservación de la Mariposa Monarca (Projet d’éducation pour la conservation du papillon monarque) a été lancé en grandes pompes par des groupes basés à Aguascalientes, Guanajuato, San Luis Potosí et Zacatecas, lieux où passe le monarque quand il migre vers le sud. Mis en œuvre en 2014, en tant […]
September 22, 2017“The Superior Watershed Partnership, in cooperation with the Hiawatha National Forest and other project partners, will restore monarch habitat in the Central Upper Peninsula of Michigan through non-native invasive species removal on 83 acres [33 hectares], planting 26,000 native milkweed and nectar plants, and the harvest of 50 pounds of native plant seeds. The project […]
May 19, 2017Oikos is an environmental education project which, through various activities, encourages the general public to gain knowledge about the biology of and protection efforts for flora and fauna, milkweed, the monarch butterfly, and other pollinators, like bees. Oikos also provides educational workshops and lectures in educational and community centers, mainly during the fall. Another activity […]
May 18, 2017The Environmental Farm Plan is one of multiple initiatives funded through a Canadian federal-provincial cost-share agreement under the federal Growing Forward 2 five-year (2013–2018) policy framework. The initiative is delivered by provincial agricultural organizations and is a voluntary assessment tool for agricultural producers. Technical assistance is provided to producers to identify and outline recommendations (BMPs) […]
May 18, 2017This voluntary program is available to landowners producing agricultural commodities, livestock and forest products. The USDA NRCS provides direct financial payments and technical assistance to landowners who implement approved conservation practices, including more than 30 practices that provide or improve habitat for pollinators through structural changes or changes in management practices. Payment rates may change […]
May 18, 2017The Prince Edward Island Environmentally Significant Class of Land Holdings (PEI ESCLH) exemption may be applied to lands meeting eligible exemption designations, such as designated wetlands under the PEI Wetland Inventory, marginal agricultural lands, or permanently grassed headlands. ESCLHs may be exempted under the aggregate land holdings limits, enabling landholders to acquire other lands as […]
September 22, 2017“A collaborative effort between three bureaus within the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship – Division of Soil Conservation and Water Quality will establish monarch habitat on 3,311 acres [1,340 hectares] of privately owned land in Iowa. The project will enhance four existing programs that establish wildlife habitat on Iowa’s private lands: Buffer Initiative […]
September 22, 2017Butterfly milkweed (A. tuberosa) has been identified as a major monarch larval host plant in the Northwest Florida Panhandle. Due to the success of other restoration projects, the Northwest Florida Water Management District received funding from the USFWS to establish additional butterfly milkweed host plants at the Sand Hill Lakes Mitigation Bank (SHLMB). SHLMB already […]
May 18, 2017The Farm and Open Space Tax Program encourages the preservation of farmland and open-space land in Maine to conserve the State’s natural resources. The tax incentive program provided by the Maine Revenue Service, in cooperation with the Department of Agriculture, Conservation and Forestry, works to prevent farmland and open-space conversion (MRS 2016a). The amount of […]
May 18, 2017The state of Tennessee’s Wildlife Resources Agency (TWRA) offers a cost-share program for farm owners designed to protect declining grassland- and shrubland-dependent wildlife. Under the recently established National Strategy to Promote the Health of Honey Bees and Other Pollinators, TWRA has expanded opportunities under the Farm Wildlife Habitat Program to establish, restore, and manage habitat […]
May 18, 2017The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association provides technical assistance to agricultural producers in Ontario through the Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative’s (GLASI’s) Farmland Health Check-Up. Producers work with a Certified Crop Advisor to identify and develop BMPs specific to their lands and needs. Priority areas of the Check-Up include pollinator and soil health. Completion […]
May 18, 2017The Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Association provides direct financial payments to agricultural producers in Ontario through the Great Lakes Agricultural Stewardship Initiative’s (GLASI’s) Farmland Health Incentive Program. Financial support is available to implement BMPs, such as those identified through the Farmland Health Check-Up, a related technical assistance program. Eligibility requirements include, but are not […]
September 22, 2017Building on the established and successful Monarch Lab Schoolyard Garden Grant Program, the USFWS and the National Conservation Training Center (NCTC) have partnered with the Monarch Lab to distribute garden grants of US$1,000 to National Food for All Organization (FFA) chapters across the country. The FFA’s unique connection to agriculture provides it with a great […]
May 19, 2017“Public lands account for a substantial portion of the West. These lands are essential for the conservation of the western population of the monarch butterfly, yet unanswered questions remain about the western monarch’s distribution and the effect of current land management practices on this animal’s breeding and migration habitat” (Xerces 2015). This project involves the […]
September 20, 2017The Florida Museum of Natural History is “working with the Florida Association of Native Nurseries and the Florida Wildflower Foundation on increasing the availability of native ecotype seed for growers” (Daniels 2016). Often non-native milkweed plants are the only commercially available milkweed plants in Florida, and this project is working to give the public alternative […]
May 18, 2017Natural protected areas, which may include public, private and communal lands, receive funding through the Fund for Natural Protected Areas (FANP) to fulfill conservation objectives. Although funding from FANP is not provided to landowners directly, financial resources may be allocated to NGOs that work directly with landowners to implement projects (World Bank 2011). For example, […]
September 20, 2017Programs include five high schools that are part of the University of Monterrey, and a private university in the city of Monterrey. Each high school has on-site butterfly gardens, with milkweeds. In these gardens students make observations of the immature stages of butterflies. (UM 2013; Ruiz 2016). University of Monterrey (UM). 2013. Reconocen a Prepa […]
May 19, 2017The aim of Reciclart is to create feeding corridors for the migratory monarch butterfly and other pollinators. Reciclart is creating gardens where monarch butterflies and other pollinators feed. It also produces milkweeds and other flowering plants, and donates plants to other institutions, like the University of Monterrey. It has created gardens in the city of […]
May 19, 2017The Mexico State pollinator garden initiative, driven by the Volunteer Corp of the State Tourism Department as part of the Save the Monarch program, is another action intended to conserve the monarch butterfly on its migratory path and areas surrounding its winter habitats. The initiative aims to foster awareness among civil society, in order to […]
May 19, 2017Monarcas en Monterrey is an NGO that provides kits with plants such as milkweeds, Lantana camara, and Cosmos sulphureus, to schools and companies engaged in the conservation of monarch butterflies and other pollinators. It also provides informative brochures and a system for tracking butterflies and pollinators that visit the garden. Monarcas en Monterrey also offers […]
May 18, 2017The Grassland Restoration Incentive Program is funded by the Oaks and Prairies Joint Venture and provides direct financial payments and technical assistance to private landowners. The program is directed at improving habitat for grassland birds; however, funded practices have the potential to benefit monarch butterflies, including range planting with pollinator seed mixes. These practices include […]
September 22, 2017“The Kansas Grazing Lands Coalition will work with private landowners and managers to develop conservation plans to benefit monarch butterflies on grazing lands. The project will result in 12,000 acres [4,850 hectares] of improved or created habitat for the monarch butterfly by restoring and enhancing native mixed grass and tallgrass ecosystem functions, improved rangeland health […]
September 22, 2017“Grow Native! is a native plant marketing and education program of the Missouri Prairie Foundation. Grow Native! helps protect and restore biodiversity by increasing conservation awareness of native plants and their effective use in urban, suburban, and rural developed landscapes. Through collaboration with consumers, private industry, non-profit organizations, and government agencies, Grow Native! aims to […]
May 18, 2017The North Dakota Game and Fish Department (NDGFD) provides annual payments to private landowners enrolled in the Habitat Plot Program to protect and manage existing habitat or establish new habitat for wildlife. Through the program, landowners may receive annual payments for a three-year agreement to protect and manage existing habitat or for a six-year agreement […]
May 19, 2017In this project, MJV partners—the Xerces Society, Tallgrass Prairie Center, and the University of Minnesota Monarch Lab—are installing monarch habitat demonstration sites on farms in the agricultural Midwest. The project restores quality habitat for monarchs and engages landowners in monarch conservation through habitat creation. The sites host demonstration days to bring together participants from the […]
May 18, 2017The Habitat Stewardship Program for Species at Risk, established in 2000 and administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada, provides funding for species identified under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA), as well as species not listed under SARA but at risk of conservation concern. The two project categories with different funding […]
May 19, 2017With the implementation of the High-Resolution Diversity Monitoring System (Sistema de Alta Resolución para el Monitoreo de la Diversidad—SAR-MOD) in the Janos Biosphere Reserve, monarch butterfly monitoring was decisively carried out in 2016, in the northern Chihuahua region. This work applied the national standardized monitoring protocol. As part of the results obtained in the first […]
July 12, 2017With the implementation of the High-Resolution Diversity Monitoring System (Sistema de Alta Resolución para el Monitoreo de la Diversidad—SAR-MOD) in the Don Martín-Río Sabinas Natural Resource Protection Area (Área de Protección de Recursos Naturales—APRN), during 2015 and 2016 the monitoring of the monarch butterfly was energetically carried out in Coahuila’s coal region. Among the results […]
August 23, 2017“The Homegrown National Park Project is an innovative effort to create the world’s first citizen-led urban green corridor. The David Suzuki Foundation project stretches traditional notions of urban green space to include private, public and institutional spaces and encourage residents to bring nature to places that can be quickly and inexpensively transformed—their yards, balconies, rooftops, […]
September 22, 2017“The Honey Bee and Monarch Butterfly Partnership is forged out of a desire to create diverse, high-quality upland habitat, especially in the wake of recent grassland habitat loss in the Dakotas. Not only do North Dakota and South Dakota harbor the top two wild pheasant populations in the country, but they are two of the […]
September 20, 2017The Idaho Natural Heritage Program records information on rare plants and animals in the state. It records distribution and location of species, and site data, and assigns conservation status. Milkweed and monarch surveys are conducted. Two milkweed species are likely rare in Idaho, and the program is assessing their conservation status. The program is developing […]
September 20, 2017This State Wildlife Grant project addresses knowledge gaps in milkweed and monarch butterfly habitat in Idaho and Washington. The project focuses on collecting historical and contemporary monarch and milkweed distribution data in each state, to define the distribution and relative abundance of these species and identify key habitats and threats. The project will result in […]
May 11, 2017Pale swallow-wort, also known as dog-strangling vine (Cynanchum rossicum), and black swallow-wort (Cynanchum louiseae) are invasive perennial plants found in parts of Canada, such as southern Ontario, and in parts of the West, Midwest and Northeast in the United States. They are members of the milkweed subfamily (Asclepiadaceae) and are found in open or prairie […]
September 20, 2017“According to a study on monarch oviposition on swallow-worts by Casagrande and Dacey (2007), female monarchs will lay eggs on black swallow-wort even when it is in the same field as common milkweed. Laboratory tests have shown that monarch caterpillars cannot feed on black swallow-wort meaning swallow-worts act as dead-end hosts and those eggs are […]
September 20, 2017“The Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium is a community-led organization whose mission is to enhance monarch butterfly reproduction and survival in Iowa through collaborative and coordinated efforts of farmers, private citizens and their organizations. The Iowa Monarch Conservation Consortium is composed of state-based organizations that agree on a common goal to enhance the monarch butterfly’s reproduction […]
August 3, 2017STRIPS stands for Science-based Trials of Rowcrops Integrated with Prairie Strips. “The STRIPS project is composed of a team of scientists, educators, farmers, and extension specialists working on the prairie strips farmland conservation practice. Our research shows that prairie strips are an affordable option for farmers and farm landowners seeking to garner multiple benefits. By […]
September 22, 2017“ITC is committed to improving monarch habitat through the enhancement of pre-existing habitat and the establishment of new habitat on the company’s landholdings. Regular vegetation management within the transmission corridors is required to ensure the safe transmission of electricity to homes and businesses. ITC uses an Integrated Vegetation Management (IVM) approach in many of its […]
August 23, 2017Dirigido a jóvenes y adultos, el proyecto de ciencia ciudadana de la organización Journey North educa y sensibiliza en torno a la migración de la mariposa monarca mediante actividades de seguimiento de la especie en tiempo real, con base en informes de participantes voluntarios quienes participan llevando un registro de lo que observan, tanto de […]
September 20, 2017“The Burroughs Audubon Society of Greater Kansas City and partners will implement a series of strategically chosen, on-the-ground native habitat restorations critical for monarch butterfly conservation. The project will result in 1,400 acres [566 hectares] of restored monarch habitat on both public and private lands, and will serve as a model regional effort to stimulate […]
September 22, 2017In response to the decline in monarch populations, the Keystone Policy Center has assembled a working group of diverse professionals from many arenas to identify comprehensive solutions to improve and maintain monarch butterfly habitat and populations. The overarching mission of the Keystone Monarch Collaborative is “to identify how partnerships in the farming and ranching community […]
August 23, 2017In support of Point Pelee National Park’s management plan and vegetation management objectives, active restoration of savannah habitat in Point Pelee National Park has been underway for 7 years. Former savannah areas have been restored, through clearing of vegetation, prescribed fires, and planting of native plants, including several different species of milkweed. Since 2011, 26.6 […]
May 18, 2017The Lake Simcoe/South-eastern Georgian Bay Clean-Up Fund is a grant administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada. It was originally funded from 2007–2012, with a second funding cycle expanded for 2012–2017. Although the focus is on improvements to water quality and aquatic habitat, implementation of BMPs, such as restoration or wetlands or installation of vegetated […]
May 18, 2017The Lake Winnipeg Basin Stewardship Fund is a grant administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada. Phase II of funding spans 2012–2017, and all funds have been allocated already. Renewal of funding for Phase III is in process. Although the focus is on improvements to water quality and aquatic habitat, implementation of BMPs, such as […]
May 18, 2017The Land Stewardship and Habitat Restoration Program is an incentive program offered by the Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry, providing direct financial payments to individuals, aboriginal groups and other organizations to complete projects on private lands. Projects may be funded up to C$20,000, in match, to manage and restore habitat, and 1:1 match […]
May 18, 2017The Lake Simcoe Region Conservation Authority provides funds to private landowners through the Landowner Environmental Assistance Program. This program funds projects, including practices that enhance wildlife habitat (50% of funding up to C$1,000), with a maximum of C$25,000 per property. Landowners must be within the Lake Simcoe watershed and implement projects that create or restore […]
August 23, 2017Point Pelee National Park is located in the Municipality of Leamington in extreme southwestern Ontario, Canada. Both the Municipality and the park are an important annual stopover point for migrating monarchs. Beginning in 2015, the Town of Leamington partnered with Point Pelee National Park to install monarch habitat in 18 plant beds, along 2 km […]
September 20, 2017BASF Corporation’s Living Acres project is a biodiversity research and conservation project focusing on establishing milkweed in non-production agricultural areas. The research began in 2015 and is being conducted on the BASF Research Farm in Holly Springs, North Carolina (Coble 2016). BASF research focused on developing best practices for creating and maintaining native milkweed stand […]
May 18, 2017The Minnesota Department of Transportation makes local or state cost-share and incentive payments available to landowners interested in providing living snow fences to protect state highways from snow drift during winter (MnDOT 2016). Living snow fences are barriers provided by plantings of trees, shrubs, and native grasses that trap snow and function to prevent drifts […]
August 23, 2017“In April 2002, 3 members of the MBMF [Monarch Butterfly Monarch Forest] travelled to Zitacuaro, Mexico to work with the members of the BMMM [Bosque Modelo Mariposa Monarca] to set-up the [Reforestation and Agro-Forestry Sites in the Monarch Butterfly Model Forest] project. […] While in Mexico the MBMF team visited the proposed sites of the […]