Categoría según el uso del suelo y cambios en su cobertura
Múltiples categorías
Especies o hábitat objetivo o asociados
Especies en riesgo
Tipo de publicación
Sitio web / portal
Idioma original
Francés, Inglés
Periodo de instrumentación
En curso
The Aboriginal Fund for Species at Risk, established in 2004 and administered by Environment and Climate Change Canada, provides direct financial payments for species identified under Schedule 1 of the Species at Risk Act (SARA), as well as species not listed under SARA but at risk of conservation concern. As with the Habitat Stewardship Program, two project categories with different funding allocations are available and include the Species at Risk (SAR) Stream (for Schedule 1 species under SARA) and the Prevention Stream.
Aboriginal groups may apply for projects that take place on land set aside for, directly controlled by, or used for traditional activities by Aboriginal people. Agricultural lands are one possible component of these lands. Funding can range from C$10,000 to C$50,000, annually. Multi-year projects are allowed, and 20% match is required from non-federal sources (ECCC 2015). The monarch is designated as Special Concern Schedule 1 under SARA, and a final management plan was released in 2016, in Management Plan for the Monarch (Danaus plexippus) in Canada.
This plan identified several broad strategies to meet the plan’s objectives, including “Conserve current Monarch staging habitat in Canada, and promote the enhancement of staging areas that are essential to successful migrations” (Environment Canada 2014). Under the 2015/2016 SAR stream, the list of priorities included recovery actions for monarchs, and 7 projects funded during this period will benefit pollinators, including monarchs.
Under the 2016/2017 SAR stream, implementation of priority actions for SAR species is considered a priority, including projects related to the “recovery of SAR and threats to SAR included as part of an international agreement” (ECCC 2015; Leck 2016).
Amount of the Incentive
Entre $C10,000 y 50,000 al año. Se requieren fondos de contrapartida equivalentes a 20 por ciento provenientes de fuentes no federales.
Related Institutional Objectives or Targets
Ley de Especies en Riesgo