United States
Land Use / Land Cover
Aire naturelle ou parcours naturel
Agency Type
Target or Affiliated Species or Habitat
Publication Type
Original Language
The Guidelines report provides a description of recommended BMPs for pollinators on Minnesota DNR lands or in projects and are intended to provide multi-species benefits, both for a diverse group of pollinators (bees, butterflies, flies, others) and other species (upland game birds, native plant communities, others). Enhancement of existing habitat, as well as creation or restoration of habitat is discussed. The report also provides an overview of pollinators, their habitat, and their population declines.
Recommendations cover planting or seeding; prescribed burning; invasive/pest species management; mowing or haying; and grazing. Because sites may be managed under multiple concurrent activities, the BMPs advise limiting the extent of activities to no more than half or two-thirds of the site each year. Recommendations discuss multiple habitats, including prairies, forests and riparian areas. The report also provides general habitat restoration recommendations, as well as suggestions for grant and contract language (MnDNR 2014a). Reference to the Department’s “pollinator tables” (MnDNR 2014b) is also provided for selecting plant species.