Monarch Conservation Toolbox

Pilot Projects

Pollinator Conservation Program

United States


Agency Type

Target or Affiliated Species or Habitat

Original Language

The Xerces Society’s Pollinator Conservation Program established a formal partnership with the USDA NRCS in 2008 to expand on tits existing pollinator conservation efforts. The Pollinator Conservation Program offers technical support for habitat restoration and land management for pollinators, works directly with farmers, land managers and others to create pollinator habitat, delivers workshops and trainings on pollinators and habitat and is continuing to develop a Pollinator Resource Center and other materials for practitioners.

Efforts under this program have resulted in more than 99,150 hectares (245,000 acres) of pollinator habitat and have reached more than 45,000 individuals through workshops, trainings and seminars. Several online resource hubs through the Xerces Society website offer resources for monarch habitat conservation, and through the NRCS partnership, joint Xerces-NRCS staff provide monarch and pollinator technical support to the agency and agricultural landowners (Xerces 2015a).

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