United States
Land Use / Land Cover
Catégories multiples, Farm or adjacent
Agency Type
Target or Affiliated Species or Habitat
Publication Type
Original Language
This report introduces prescriptive National Wildlife Refuge lands BMP guidance for pollinator conservation, directed toward field station land managers. Recommendations are outlined for a range of management practices, including mowing or haying, grazing, prescribed burning, invasive plant removal, pesticide application, and agricultural production. Land managers are instructed to identify specific pollinators that are present and using project areas, to determine applicable practices. Haying and grazing BMPs are required elements for new or updated compatibility determinations.
Consideration of the effects of conservation measures on pollinators, including documentation, is required for existing compatibility determinations. BMPs outline the appropriate timing, extent, frequency and methods for management activities with respect to pollinators and pollinator habitat. Guidelines are somewhat specific and brief. Monarch habitat is not specifically addressed (USFWS 2015).